Hybrid training courses: the training form of the future


Tom Baeten
September 20, 2021

The different lockdowns of the past few years have put physical training for professionals temporarily on hold. At the same time, the need for training in the professional use of LinkedIn® has increased exponentially. To meet that growing need, Winger Academy developed a new, unique training format: hybrid training courses!

When the first lockdown was announced, our agenda at Winger Academy all of a sudden became empty. Due to Corona, all of our training courses were cancelled. Instead of waiting for the situation to improve, we used this extra time to review our offer. The result is our new, unique hybrid training offer: a balanced mix between online training, personal coaching via video and physical training sessions that are organized on-site or at one of our corona proof locations.


The ideal mix is tailor-made

Our hybrid training courses are always fully customised to the needs of the participants. This doesn’t only allow us to adapt our training to their personal situation, but also to better tune the theory of our training to their specific needs and questions.

The advantages of hybrid training

The great advantage of this new hybrid form is that we can now more easily spread the extensive theory and practical tips from our training courses. Instead of getting overwhelmed with all the theory in one training day, our participants now get their knowledge of LinkedIn® step by step during different learning moments. We have noticed that participants actually apply many more of our tips this way.

Another asset in these times, which should not be underestimated, is that we can always organise hybrid training courses. We can organise them online or offline in a corona proof way, according to the health measures in place at the time.

But even after the corona crisis, we plan to continue to invest in hybrid training courses. Because by using this training form, we can offer our course participants the freedom to follow our courses however they like it. This can be in the classroom, where they can enjoy the interaction and social contact with fellow course members. Or online, so that they don’t need to waste time travelling and can gather new knowledge in the comfort of their own home.

“I love the strapline of his session; “it’s not the LinkedIn® company page that matters, but the ones of the people who work at and make your company!”
Winger Academy provides the right balance of practical ready to use tips & a good level of detailed insights.

— Thomas Vercammen – Sales Manager – Toyota Material Handling


Continuous support

Even after you have followed a training course at Winger Academy, we continue to support you with:

  • recurrent 1-on-1 coaching

  • a soundboard for the management

  • guidance trajectories for:

    • setting up a content strategy and content plan

    • support in the development of a future-proof sales strategy and structure

    • the recruitment of the right sales and/or marketing employees


Reading material or learning material? Food for thought!

First aid for LinkedIn® problems

First aid for LinkedIn® problems

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