Looking for a new job? Let your network and recruiters know with the “Open To Work” LinkedIn® feature!


Tom Baeten
May 3, 2022

Looking for a new job? Let your network and recruiters know with the “Open To Work” LinkedIn® feature!

How you can add the “Open To Work” sticker to your LinkedIn® profile picture

Besides making an attractive resume and scrolling through various vacancies, job seekers often forget an important step during their search for a new job: informing their network! Thanks to the “Open To Work” LinkedIn® feature, you can inform your connections or recruiters about your search in just a few clicks. In this article, we’ll teach you how you can add the green “Open to Work” circle to your profile picture, so others will immediately see that you’re open for a new opportunity!

How you can add the “Open To Work” feature to your LinkedIn® profile

1. Go to your LinkedIn® profile

2.You’ll see some buttons underneath your name and tagline, including a blue button that says “Open to”.. Click on this button.

3. LinkedIn® will present you the following three options:
a) Finding a new job
b) Hiring
c) Providing services
Select“Finding a new job”.

4. Now you can add more information about what kind of job you are looking for, such as:

  • The job titles that you’re interested in. It can be interesting to add different variations of the same function, since different recruiters use different search terms. If you’d like to be a secretarial assistant, you can for example also add job titles such as office manager or administrative assistant. Your prefered work location. Here you can indicate a city, region or country. If you’re open to work remotely, you can also indicate this here. Your availability. You can indicate whether you’re actively looking for a job or just browsing around without any rush. you can for example also add job titles such as office manager or administrative assistant.
  • Your prefered work location. Here you can indicate a city, region or country. If you’re open to work remotely, you can also indicate this here.
  • Your availability. You can indicate whether you’re actively looking for a job or just browsing around without any rush.
  • The type of vacancy you’re looking for. Here you can choose if you’re interested in a full time job, a temporary job, an internship and many other options.

5. Decide who will be able to see that you’re looking for a new opportunity.

If you are currently still employed, but are secretly dreaming of a new job, you probably don’t want your current employer to know about this. Luckily you can install the “Open To Work” feature so it’s only visible for recruiters with a LinkedIn® Recruiter subscription. LinkedIn® will also try to avoid that people with a Recruiter subscription who are employed at your current job see your sticker. This way, the platform protects your privacy so you can look for a new job without a worry. Click on “Add to profile” to make the process complete.

6. Click opn“add to profile”to make the process complete.

Found your dream job? Delete the “Open To Work” feature via the following steps:

  1. Visit your profile
  2. Click on the“Open To Work” text block
  3. Selecteer“Delete from profile”

In the future, you’ll always be able to re-install the “Open To Work” sticker. However, you will have to re-enter all your preferences such as the function and region.


Curious why LinkedIn® is the perfect platform for job seekers?

Online you can find plenty of job boards, which results in a fragmented vacancy market. This makes it even more difficult for professionals to find their dream job. Research shows that the professional platform LinkedIn® is a great alternative to these traditional job sites, because:

  • More than 55 million companies are active on the platform. Together, these companies published 14 million vacancies on LinkedIn®.
  • Every 3 minutes someone gets hired through LinkedIn®.
  • 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn® regularly to look for new candidates.
  • More than 122 million professionals already booked a job interview via LinkedIn®.
  • 35,5 million LinkedIn® members got hired by one of their connections on the platform.
  • LinkedIn® also contributes to sustainable recruitment. There is a 40% lower chance that a person will leave a company within 6 months when they get hired via LinkedIn®.

These facts make LinkedIn® the perfect platform for every job seeker, and the “Open To Work” feature is a great way to give them a nice boost.

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